20. Easter Bike Tour from Zadar to Vir!

By , 15 Apr 2017, 07:50 AM News
20. Easter Bike Tour from Zadar to Vir! Vir Tourism

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On Monday, April 17th at 10 am, a traditional bicycle race will be held from Zadar to Vir!

The race will begin at Obala kneza Branimira in Zadar and the final destination will be at Trg Sveti Jure on Vir. 

This Easter bicycle race will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the gathering which brings together recreational cyclists, cycling lovers, and cycling professionals each year.

In addition to promoting a healthy lifestyle, this cycling program guarantees a nice ride on the beautiful island of Vir, refreshments and socializing at popular Vir square Sveti Jure, a drawing for cycling equipment, a mountain bike as the grand prize, and fun for all with entertainment provided by ”Zadar Express." 

You must register at the start of the race before departure at 9 am.

For further information please call: 023 346 741 or visit the website here

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