Cycling School Zagreb Hosts Gran Fondo Training Under Expert Guidance

By , 03 Mar 2017, 08:09 AM News
Cycling School Zagreb Hosts Gran Fondo Training Under Expert Guidance Source: Škola biciklizma Zagreb‎

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The Cycling School of Zagreb (ŠBZ) invites all interested parties to come together to train for the Gran Fondo this year. The first training will take place on Friday, March 4 at 10am at Park Bundek. 

Under the expert guidance of Matija Kvasina, participants will have the opportunity to train for the Gran Fondo. This particular training will tackle the smaller route of the race, with the cycling tempo adapted to the slower cyclists. 

The ride will take place fully under the rules of the Cycling School of Zagreb. 

All are more than welcome to participate while adhering to a few rules: 

- mandatory helmet during the ride 

- follow the instructions of the instructor 

- use the correct bike 

- have with you tube mixer trolleys, 2 bottle cages and road cycling food 

There will be a couple of breaks to socialize, and the time together should take up to 4h30min maximum. 

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